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Refer to Jyotish Guru PVR Narasimha Rao's Lecture in Saylorsburg, PA
Dear Vijay,
> Dear PVRji,
Just call me PVR or Narasimha. No need for a ji.
> I would like to get your presentation on financial astrology, at

Tarabalam (Tarabala); Sarvatobhadra Chakra; Sarvatobhadra Vedhas and Sapta Nadi. Shanshodhanatmak Sarvatobhadra Chakra Granthmala Bhag - 1 By Dr. Paresh Ravindra Desai, buy online books on astrology. Free Shipping Above 699/. So it is Open Source Software and free for personal and commercial use. Sarvatobhadra Chakra is called the Trailokya Deep which lights the all three Lokas and is the most auspicious of all the chakras and charts. Kavi Narpati recorded it in 'Narpatijayacharya Swarodaya' in the 12th century. In the same book Kavi Narpati described Swar Shastra through 20 Swar chakras and detailed the method of their use for prediction. Several classics have extolled the value of Sarvatobhadra chakra (SBC) in judging transits. For those of you who are interested, I have explained its use in my book with examples (in the section on transits). It is available in my free software JHora. Whatever parameters I am going to use below are available in JHora.

Sarvatobhadra> Pennsylvannia. You were going to post it here a few months back, but I
> guess got sidetracked. Please do post it to the files section or at
> least send it to me. I am very interested in this.
> Thanks in advance and with best regards,
> -Vijay
I am not an expert in financial astrology at all. But I could not reject an opportunity to speak in front of Medha Dakshinamurthy and hence went to Saylorsburg in May to talk about financial astrology. So take the material that I am going to direct you to with a pinch of salt. I am quite sure that there is some worthy stuff in it and equally sure that it is not refined yet.
You can download all the presentations I made at Arsha Vidya Gurukulam on May 15 at
Unzip the file and you will get four PowerPoint slide shows.
Unfortunately, these are just the presentations that served as an anchor for my talking and may not mean much without some explanation. But try to peruse them and some details may still be clear.
In our tradition, we use Kashinatha Hora chart for wealth and finances. The above zip file contains a presentation on hora chart also. Go thru the presentation on hora chart, as that is the basis for the rest.
The presentation on national finances is the one on stock market and should be the one you are interested in. Let me give the gist so that it is easy to follow the presentation. I basically presented two key methods:
(1) Kartika Sukla Pratipada chart and Compressed Vimsottari dasa:
Make a chart for the beginning of Kartika Sukla Pratipada (day after Diwali). This is the beginning of the financial new year, as Libra is the natural sign of business and luminaries conjoin in Libra at that time.
Judge the strength of the rasi and hora charts. I give more importance to hora chart.
I use compressed Vimsottari dasa to judge the trends within the year. I find the 3 parts rule very efficient and it is clearly given in the presentation.
Let me illustrate this with an example. Make the Kartika Sukla Pratipada (called 'Financial new year chart' in the mundane tab of JHora) of 2004-05 for Washington DC. In the D-2 chart, Mercury is the 8th lord from Scorpio lagna and afflicts lagna along with Rahu. Being a malefic in this D-2 chart, he gives the results of his avastha in the first 1/3rd, results of yogas in the middle 1/3rd and the results of his ownerships and occupancy in the last 1/3rd. So we conclude that Feb 28-Mar 22 is bad for the market (results of '8th lord in lagna' given by Mercury) and result in a fall. That indeed happened.

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I was hoping to get away with some retro-analysis at the seminar, but these guys pushed me to make predictions. As some other astrologers at the seminar were expecting a stock market crash in June-July timeframe, they asked me how that period was.
You can see that Sun and Moon dasas run during June 10-July 26. Sun and Moon are the 10th and 9th lord conjoined in 7th and giving a raja yoga. So I said that there would not be a crash or a fall and that markets would in general do well during June-July (S&P 500 reached new records for the year). Sun is in the house of adhisatru and Moon is badhakesha. So I was expecting some blips, but I thought the overall period would be good. Especially, I said I expected the middle one-third of Moon dasa (July 7-19) to be excellent, as Moon would then give the result of his raja yoga with Sun. The results of the yogas are given in the middle one-third. I think the stock has indeed done well then and climbed to annual records.
Of course, I got lucky and this method is certainly not fool-proof. It is promising but needs more work. Unfortunately, I have no time for financial astrology. I find other branches of astorlogy more interesting and soend more time on them. But you can try to refine my approach.
(2) Tribhagi Vimsottari and Sarvatobhadra Chakra
This is not specific to US or a country and a method for the overall world markets. Find Tribhagi Vimsottari dasa. Starting from Moon's star, we will go thru the 27 stars during the year. Take the current Tribhagi Vimsottari dasa star and take it as the progressed janma tara. Find vedhas, drishtis (aspects) and lattas (kicks) on it in Sarvatobhadra chakra. Nadis of stars can also be considered. A latta/drishti/vedha from a malefic planet on progressed janma tara can be particularly bad if the planet is transiting in a malefic nadi (e.g. Prachanda nadi). A drishti/vedha from a benefic planet on progressed janma tara can be particularly good if the planet is transiting in a benefic nadi (e.g. Amrita nadi). The nadis are defined in the slides.
As an example, take April 12-15, 2005. As per compressed Tribhagi Vimsottari dasa of Kartika Sukla Pratipada chart of 2004-05, Mercury dasa corresponding to Revati star was running during April 5-23. Rahu was transiting in Revati star. Sun's presence alleviated problems till April 13 or so. Sun moved away from Revati and Rahu in a dehana (malefic) nakshatra was alone afflicting the progressed janma nakshatra. So there was a big fall after April 13.
As another example, take the Tribhagi Vimsottari dasa of Venus corresponding to Bharani star during April 29-May 19. Bharani was being transited by Sun and Venus (Sun is considered a benefic here) during early May and then by only Sun. Though Mars was aspecting Bharani when the dasa started, his ability to harm was ineffective in an Amrita nadi star (Dhanishtha). In any case, Mars moved to Satabhishak later and stopped aspecting Bharani. So it was a good period. Then came a blip, which cannot be explained based on this technique. But on May 18, Mercury moved into Bharani and May 18 and 19 were days of solid gains.
Like this, it is possible to find the vedhas, aspects, lattas etc on the progressed janma tara (by using the Tribhagi Vimsottari dasa compressed to the year as the progression of janma tara within the year) and make reasonable judgments. Of course, a more perfect assessment requires us to use karma and adhana taras in addition to janma tara.
This technique is my research. However, it is based on foundations given by tradition. Nadis of stars, vedhas, aspects, special nakshatras such as adhana tara, lattas, Sarvatobhadra chakra etc are all from tradition. Even Tribhagi Vimsottari dasa is from tradition. My only innovation was to link them and to use tyhe progressed janma tara as per Tribhagi to check transits in Sarvatobhadra chakra.
This technique is less reliable than the above technique, but shows some big transitions well. The two techniques together seem to give a reasonable picture in 70% cases. But as I said, refinement is needed.
That's all I have time to write for now. I'll now go back to my Tithi Pravesha book.
May Jupiter's light shine on us,

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